Who invented the bulb and when

Who invented the bulb and when

Let Us know Today Who Invented The Bulb And When You Were Born

Ever since then you have been seeing bulb tube lights etc., but was it always like this, did our nights keep shining like this? No! When there was no bulb, fire was used for lighting at night, apart from this there was no way to light either the light of the moon or the light done through fire was the only source of light There was a source.

But then there was a great person in history who invented the bulb and the world changed. In this article I will give you complete information that who invented the bulb and when the bulb was invented, when there was no bulb, then people used candles etc. to light. But while using things like candles and lanterns, they had to be kept very carefully and sometimes accidents also happened and the maintenance of these things was also not so easy.

But when the bulb was invented, the picture of the whole world changed as if now people were not afraid of the dark, the people of that time might have considered this thing as a strange and outside world thing because they had never seen such a thing in their lifetime. Didn't see anyone who lights up all around with just the press of a button.

First the bulb came in the homes of the rich and then gradually it made its home in our entire society, now you can see the light on the side of the roads and in parks, stations, factories i.e. everywhere.

Who Invented The Bulb

The bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison, a great scientist of his time. He was a man of great creative power who created something as unique as a bulb. The bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1878.

There is a story behind great people developing great things. There is also a story hidden behind the bulb because making a bulb was a long process, let us see how the bulb was invented and what problems Thomas Edison had to face while inventing the bulb.

The idea of ​​producing light by heating wires by electricity first came to the mind of English chemist Humphrey Davy. And he was the first to prove that when electricity is passed through thin wires, they heat up and produce light, he showed this thing by practical.

Humphrey Davy had also made a device at his level to produce light, but this device had some flaws and it would burn out only a few hours after starting, that is, it would get damaged by heating. Thomas Edison was an American scientist and investor, who is called the inventor of the bulb because he designed the carbon filament bulb in 1879.

By using carbon filaments inside vacuum-less glass to keep the stars from heating up and burning, Thomas Edison created an extraordinary thing that was superior to every scientific and commercial point of view.

How Much Truth Is There In The Fact That Thomas Edison Invented The Bulb

We know Thomas Edison as the inventor of the bulb but do you know that we cannot give the full credit of the invention of the bulb to Thomas Edison because the process was first used by Humphrey Davy and he also made a device but for some reason


Thomas Edison merely followed his path and took his idea a step further and presented it to the people. The bulb made by Thomas Edison became successful in a way, although it later took a lot of research and new types of things kept coming.

The concept of the modern bulb that you see today first came to the mind of Humphrey Davy, after that it was brought into full shape by Thomas Edison. .

That is, the bulb that you use in homes today, that bulb has gone through a lot of research and discovery processes, every kind of flaw in it has been removed and in the coming times also these inventions will continue to happen and new and new ones. Things will keep coming and discovering different and new types of bulbs will also come before us.

We know Thomas Edison as the inventor of the bulb because Thomas Edison was the first person to introduce a bulb that we could use at home. Thomas Edison's contribution in making the bulb was the most important because he not only made the bulb but also produced it in large quantities and brought it in front of the people and further traded it.

Many earlier scientists had tried to make bulbs, but there was some kind of mistake in their design, due to which the bulb either burnt out or could give very little or no light.

Who Was Thomas Edison

Friends Thomas Edison also known as Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Edison was an American scientist and businessman. Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the state of Ohio, USA. His childhood was spent in the city of Milan.

He was the first scientist to have 1093 patents in his name, that is, he not only invented the bulb, but also has 1093 other things in his name, some of the main things which are authorized by him are listed below.

Electric Train


Light bulb


Electric Vote Recorder



Thomas Edison married 16-year-old Mary Stelwell at the age of 24. Mary had met him only 2 months before the wedding. Addition had three sons by Mary, but Mary died of a serious illness in 1884, after which Addison married Mina Miller.

Thomas Edison Livelihood

Thomas Edison started selling newspapers at the railway station only at the age of 12, and after some time, Thomas Edison made the first laboratory by collecting a little money. In this laboratory, Edison had dealt with most of the inventions. Thomas Edison used to sell newspapers as well as do other small work, from which whatever savings came, after discharging his life, he used to buy goods for the laboratory with the money left over.

Thomas Edison has also had a tremendous message for the world, he believed that if a person keeps on improving the work he has done, then he can do something very big in the coming time, he linked this thing to making a bulb and so forth. Later on the bulb became a unique invention.

Thomas Edison had sold newspapers at the railway station till the age of 15, after that he installed a newspaper printing machine and started work, he used to sell newspapers daily and once the master of the railway station told him about telegram. Inspired by him, he also worked as a telephone operator for the next few years.

Thomas Edison has been a great scientist not only in America but all over the world. He devoted his whole life towards inventions and made different inventions throughout his life whose list I have given above to you. Thomas Edison universal stock printer was also discovered, even after these great discoveries, Thomas Edison did not slow down his steps, he made many inventions from 1870 to 1876.

Thomas Edison did not get as much name and recognition from bulb making as any other invention because Thomas Edison had proved that anything can be achieved with continuous efforts. He failed a thousand times in making the bulb and after failing his thousand concept, he finally made the bulb. But Thomas Edison's courage and patience were so strong, that even after repeated failures, Thomas Edison did not stop and finally left his work with a finish.

After a lot of hard work and thousands of methods, finally 1878 was the year when he finally made the bulb, it was the only bulb made by him which kept burning for 40 hours but there was no defect in it. And thus he gave the world something that changed the world and Thomas Edison also became an example for the people.

Now you must have come to know who invented the bulb and when did you like it. Told the story and also gave a little information about Thomas Edison, the scientist who made the bulb. I hope you like this information and do share it with your close friends.

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