What is HTML?


What is HTML, what works and how to learn

All data available on the Internet is available as web documents. These documents are saved on the computer server. From where anyone can access them through URL.

Have you ever thought how to create these web documents? In which language is it written, who writes the web documents?

If you have no answer then no problem. Because we are giving you the answer.

Web documents are written in HTML language. Which is a markup language. This is the basis of web documents.

Now the question comes, what is this HTML - What is HTML

It is easy to read. Is a simple question. Yes, simple, but a useful question that every HTML learner needs to know. Because this is the foundation.

We should know about the language we are working in or want. Let's know what HTML is?

What is HTML?

HTML is a MarkUp Language, developed to create web documents (web pages). It was developed in the 90s. It is the basis of a web page and web pages are the basis of a website. HTML uses 'tags' to create a web document.

Now, an idea must be causing panic in your mind and it should also happen.

what is that?

The HTML above is called Markup Language? But, what is this Markup Language? Come, let's also know this.

HTML Full Form

Full form or full name of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. In which each word has different meanings. Let us now know the meaning of each word. And understand why HTML is called Markup Language?


Hypertext is the way the web is explored. This is just a simple text. However, Hypertext keeps any other text associated with it. Which is activated by mouse click, tap, or by pressing the key.

Its feature distinguishes it from ordinary text. Hypertext is called a hyperlink.

Anchor (<a>) tags of HTML can make any text a hyperlink. Apart from this, images, videos, sound etc. can also be made hyperlink. This type of link data is called Hypermedia.

Another feature of hypertext is that it is not linear, ie hypertext can be activated in any order.


HTML uses "HTML Tags" to create web documents. Each HTML Tag defines the text in between. This is called Markup. "<i>" is an HTML Tag that italicizes the text between them.

Let us understand this with an example.

We take a word, 'TutorialPandit' which is written simply. Which, like the common text, is directly visible to TutorialPandit. Now we markup it through HTML. And in Markup we slant it. When TutorialPandit is written between these two symbols <i> </i> like this, <i> TutorialPandit </i>, this word will look like "TutorialPandit". That is, it has been marked as italic.

This entire process is called marking up. And all the web documents on the web are formatted in this way.


HTML is a language. Because it uses code-words to create a web document. Those are called tags. And there is also syntax of HTML for writing these tags. Therefore it is also a language. Syntax HTML is shown below.

HTML Syntax

It has three main parts. Which are Element, Tags and Text respectively.

HTML Element consists of HTML Tag. The word or letter written between the Angel Bracket is called HTML Tag. It is of two types. First, the opening tag and the second closing tag. And the last part is the text that is written between the HTML Tag.

 What is CSS?

History of HTML - HTML History in Hindi

Now let us go a little back in the world of HTML and make an effort to know its history.

HTML was developed in the 90s and still continues. Because HTML is a constantly developing language. Many versions have been made so far.

This language is the brainchild of the Honorable Sir Tim Berners Lee. First of all they used HTML.

At present, the task of developing HTML is with the organization "World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)". This organization now takes care of HTML. Let's know about the versions of HTML that have come so far.


This version was a form of SGML –Standard Generalized Markup Language. HTML is the primary version.

Text could be structured by this. Some tags were created for this and this version had no name, it was just called HTML. But the next versions of HTML had names. Therefore for convenience this version is also called 

HTML 1.0.

The HTML tags which were used at this time, some tags still exist today. Which we use when working on HTML.

HTML 2.0

The next version of HTML was named by the group IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force after the primary version of HTML. This was called the HTML 2.0 version which was published in 1995.

In this edition some new features were added in which 'Image Tag' was the most important. But Internet had not become very popular yet.

HTML 3.0

By this time HTML and Internet had left their mark and both were becoming popular. Now more people had joined it than the initiative. More and more people wanted to learn HTML and also wanted to join Internet.

Therefore, due to the excessive use of HTML, some complications arose in it. People had started making changes in the standard it had set in it. Due to which its uniformity started to end. So the next version of HTML was created which was HTML 3.0. But it was never published.

HTML 3.2

By the publication of HTML 1.0 and the recommendation of HTML 3.0 an organization had already emerged, which is made to work for the HTML language. It is known as the W3C - World Wide Web Consortium.

The next version of HTML was published by the W3C in 1997 with the recommendations of HTML 3.0, HTML 3.2. It had more features than both versions of HTML.

HTML document could now be created in more ways through HTML 3.2. In this edition many new 'Attribute' were added which were more for his style than the structure of the document. However, by this time the readers of HTML ie 'Browsers' were very slow. They still did not support all features of HTML 3.2.

HTML 4.0

Now Internet was very popular. More and more people wanted to learn HTML. And those who were already connected to it. They started wanting more than HTML. Therefore, to fill this gap, the next version of HTML, HTML 4.0 was published.

And by now ‘Style Sheet’ was also making its way. So this version has some more features like; frame, script, stylesheet etc. added. And the browsers who read it had also got some advance. And could read most of the features of HTML. This was a major change in the history of HTML.

HTML 4.01

The next version of HTML was HTML 4.01, a modified version of HTML 4.0. It was published in 1999 by the W3C. Today almost the website remains in this version.


The latest version of HTML is HTML 5. In addition to the features of HTML 4.01, XML features have also been added to it. This version is slowly gaining recognition. And quite a lot has become popular.

Where and how is HTML used?

Where is HTML used?

This may seem a simple and absurd question. But, thinking about it deeply reveals its reality.

You have already known that HTML is used to create web documents. However, it is not limited to just creating web documents.

Because HTML is the foundation of the web. Without it the creation of the web can not be imagined.

Apart from creating HTML document, it is also used here a lot.

Web Page Development


Game Development

Responsive Graphics

Web Document Formatting

We have also known where HTML is used.

Come, now we know how to use it. That is, how to create a webpage (HTML) from HTML?

Creating webpages with HTML is very easy. We understand this with an example.


The HTML Code given below. Copy it right away.

Then paste this code in a text editor program (notepad).

After this, save this file by applying the .html file extension.

After saving, open this file in any browser.

Your webpage is ready.

HTML Example:




<TITLE>My First HTML Document</TITLE>



<H1>This is Heading of Document</H1>

<P>This is first paragraph of this document.</P>

<P>This is second paragraph of this document. You can add as many paragraphs as possible like this.</P>



How to learn HTML - How to Learn HTML

The web programming language HTML is very easy to learn. You are able to create your own web document with a few hours training.

Below we are telling different ways to learn HTML. Through which you will be able to learn HTML from home.

Learn online

Join web designing course

Buy books

Take offline tutoring

Learn from youtube

1 learn online

Nowadays digital education is dominated. Therefore, according to you, you can get free HTML training from any online source.

There are hundreds of sites on the Internet. Who are giving free training of HTHL. Some popular web portals are being named below. From where you can learn HTML for free.

Join 2 web designing courses

If you can't learn online And you like the traditional education system. So you can take admission in web designing course by going to any nearest institute.

In this course, along with HTML, training of other web technologies such as CSS and Java Script is also provided.

Therefore, keeping an eye on your budget and the credibility of the institute. Select it and start training by taking admission.

During this training, you get experience of working on live projects and after completion of studies, a certificate is also given. Which is a mandatory document to prove your eligibility.

Buy 3 books

Books are the basis of learning any skill. Through them we are connected to the writer in virtual form. And take direct advantage of their knowledge.

Therefore, for self-learning and theoretical knowledge, you can start learning through examples by buying from the Best HTML Books market.

We are very confident. If you follow the instructions given in the book, then you will learn to make 100% webpage.

Take 4 offline tutorials

By the way, it is also like joining the course. However, the only difference is that here you do not take admission in courses, etc. Only, take training from neighborhood HTML Master.

The benefit of this training is more than any institute training. Because you are the only learner. And you also get work experience.

Because, most of the tutors giving such tutorials are freelancers. And by freelancing, he makes a living. Therefore, they have many projects.

5 learn from youtube

Nowadays a new platform to learn YouTube is emerging. Especially in the country of India, its craze is very much visible.

Since YouTube studies are free. Therefore, students give it priority.

However, we cannot consider HTML videos available on YouTube more important in terms of quality. Nor are videos made in this way from reliable sources. Therefore, YouTube learning is always viewed with suspicion. And consider it less reliable. The rest is for you to do.

what have you learned?

In this article you learned what HTML is, what is HTML full form? Also did you know how and where HTML is used? And how to learn HTML?

We hope that this article will prove useful to you. If you have any question or idea related to HTML, then you can ask it through comment.


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HTML Tags Complete List. 

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